Not only the outstanding quality of the collection, but also our high level of activity in the areas of research, exhibitions and education guarantee the Artey prominent position in the international & art museum landscape.

The best word to describe his works is “juxtapositivism”. Materials that lie against and on top of each other, with added elements that radiate positivity and hope. ​The layering invites you to take a closer look at how the wooden brightly colored basalt sticks cross or follow each other.  


DURING ANTWERP GALLERY WEEKEND: 26 > 29 MAY DURING PENTECOST WEEKEND: 3 > 6 JUNE DAILY FROM 1 – 7 PM ​You can combine a visit to his exhibition with the Antwerp Gallery Weekend from 26 to 29 May. His exhibition can also be visited from 3 to 6 June in the Leopoldstraat 57, opposite […]


David was asked to make an installation at the entrance of the Grand Casino of Knokke for the Knokke Art Fair. Visit the installation of David DeBusseré at the Knokke Art Fair. Open every day August 6-August 15, 15.00-20.00